Berzerker Legion: Chaos Will Reign (Splatter)

419,00 SEK   + 69,00 SEK   
BERZERKER LEGION was founded in 2016 by guitarists Tomas Elofsson (Hypocrisy) and Alwin Zuur (Asphyx) with a vision to create death metal of the most belligerent quality, they recruited a line-up of solid well-known musicians consisting of James Stewart (Vader) on drums, Jonny Pettersson (Wombbath) on vocals and Fredrik Isaksson (Dark Funeral) on bass to complete the Legion.Alwin Zuur (guitars/songwriter) comments: « During the recent years Tomas and I met each other at shows and festivals regularly. Much of our conversations were about music and styles. During these meetings we found out that we really had a lot of common musical interests.Music wise our debut album 'Obliterate the Weak' displays the perfect balance between brutality, melody and harmony. Being a fan of the early 90's Swedish Gothenburg style, with bands like At The Gates, Eucharist, A Canorous Quintet, as well as being a die-hard fan of brutal old school death metal style with bands like Bolt Thrower, Obituary, I have always wanted to write songs showing a mix of such different death metal genres.With our new album "Chaos Will Reign" we have further developed ourselves in our typical musical mix of melody and brutality. "Chaos Will Reign" sounds more professional, complete, massive and powerful thanks to Jonas Kjellgren's production . It has become the logical successor, a huge step forward compared to our debut album "Obliterate the Weak".Saying the album songs transpire massively produced invigorating heavy death metal is an understatement.BERZERKER LEGION knock out with warlike triumphant, powerfully addictive harmonies that will turn them into an unstoppable beast in a live situation and on record.BERZERKER LEGION line up :Jonny Pettersson - VocalsTomas Elofsson - GuitarsAlwin Zuur - GuitarsJames Stewart - DrumsFredrik Isaksson - Bass ...
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