Cobb Brent: Southern star 2023

179,00 SEK   + 39,00 SEK   
Grammy-nominerade sångaren, låtskrivaren och musikern Brent Cobb säger själv om "Southern Star": "You know how when you're growing up, you're told that if you ever get lost out there, look for the northern star to help find direction back home? Well, I'm from Georgia. So, I always look for the southern star. This album, the songs, the sounds... it's all a product of where I'm from both musically and environmentally. Historically and presently that place also happens to be the same place that cultivated a good many of the most influential artists in the whole world of music. Music as we know it would not exist without the American south. It's funky and sentimental. It's simple and complex." ...
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