Bo C'Ollinii Sonny Capone (häftad, eng)

129,00 SEK   + 49,00 SEK   
EXKLUSIVA MEDLEMPRISER -I am Sonny. A shadow of a dynasty. I was one of the most awkward beings on this earth. Not like my father. A man in the spirit of Niccolò Machiavelli prepared to do everything to form his empire. Al Capone. His heritage was a nasty defamation of my family. Reminds of a quote by Shakespeare "The evil that men do lives after them". It did not crush me, love to my father transcended the evil standing, who can avoid the view of time. My father is regarded by the man in the world as the cleverest, cruel crimi­nal ever without any evidence, a myth created by the entertainment industry in Hollywood, Cal, press, literature, TV, others to generate money. For me he is the most lovable father, consi­derate person. I am his only stunted, partly deaf son Albert Francis Brown, born Albert Francis Capone, called Sonny, spent my whole life in the wind of that shameful opinion. My mother was the beau­tiful, gentle Mae Capone born Coughlin, a Madonna. My moral support. A frequent church visitor. Why would it be me to meet this destiny? If the hereditary sin has a face in this world it would be mine. Here come some episodes from my life, family, from my country, the time I lived. It is not a drama of an ancient nature but has some similarities. I opened my innocent eyes the 4 th of December 1918 in New York, a few weeks after the Cease Fire of The First World War at 11:00 the 11 of November, came into effect, the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month". My father was 18 years old when USA decided to participate in the war April 1917, he was not enrol­led. Even if he asserts that he had learned to shoot with a machine gun in the trench in the war in Europe. He never visited Europe. The Great War was a cruel sad story. 120 000 Ameri­can soldiers were killed among them 40 000 in fever, one of my father`s six brothers partici­pated, decorated. In the trench American soldiers on the Allies with Italian background fought against Italian soldiers on the Central Power, some of them with roots from the same villages, some­times from the same families. USA participated in the Great War 18 months, about 2 million people were killed in, "the war to end all wars".  No one in our family talked about the Great War. My mother told me as a child that the Italians had a historic mission in the world even if she had her roots from Ireland. Our genes had a ...
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