I Am Stockholm

119,00 SEK   + 49,00 SEK   
Since I an situated pretty far up north, my dear Stockholmers don´t normally get many hot days and nights. So they always enjoy them while they can, occupying my parks and my open-air cafés, bars and restaurants.I love it when the children go sledding in Vitabergsparken. I love to hear their laughter!I love to see their happy faces! Why don´t you go too, and feel like a kid again?My dear Östermalm was not always the posh neighborhood it is today. I remember when it was pure boonies and mainly made up of the King´s farms - four of them - supplying the Swedish King and his court whit food provisionTake the subway to Fridhemsplan and walk ten minutes to Smedsuddsbadet or Fredhällsbadet, perhaps the nicest beaches within my city limits. Here my dear Stockholmers bask in the sun and swim in my clean waters. ...
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Ginza.se 119,00 SEK 49,00 SEK 168,00 SEK