You Will Be Able To Draw Animals By The End Of This Book

259,00 SEK   + 49,00 SEK   
No subject has had more enduring appeal for artists than animals. And yet creating convincing animal sketches can be daunting, and leave you wondering, where do I start?Let go of your fear and unlock drawing skills that you never believed you could have with this expertly guided sketchbook. You Will be Able to Draw Animals by the End of This Book will not only teach you the fundamental steps required for you to be able to sketch animals, but also allows you the space to practise on the page, with pages laying flat to allow you to draw comfortably. Start with the essentials, such as basic markmaking and tone, and move on to the key elements of anatomy, texture and expression that will take your drawings from good to great.So pick up a pencil and discover the joy of drawing animals! ...
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