Hello, Heartbreak

129,00 SEK   + 39,00 SEK   
You'd think twenty-seven years would be enough time to wise up to the rules of love and loss, especially Rule Number 1: Do not, at any time, let him see how much he has hurt you.But no, Izzy Keegan was probably off doing sambuca shots when that lesson was taught. So, starting with public humiliation (that infamous blowup with her Ex and his new woman... huge mistake), and taking in temporary insanity, rebound sex, and a night in a police cell along the way,Izzy has to make up her own rules for coping with heartbreak.You'd think twenty-seven years would be enough time to wise up to the rules of love and loss. Make that twenty-seven and a bit... ...
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Ginza.se 129,00 SEK 39,00 SEK 168,00 SEK